Red Brick Partners 2024 Food Drive


It's that time of year again when we look at the people (and pets) around us and feel just a little extra grateful. This year Red Brick is sharing that thankful vibe by donating to two worthy causes in our community—and we hope you'll join us.

We'll be collecting food through December 18th for...

Here's how to get involved

1 // Check out the lists of what each organization needs Humane Animal Partners of Delaware Wish List, Food Bank of Delaware list of needs. 

2 //  Drop your donations off in person at Red Brick Partners at 226 W 9th Street, Unit 100, Wilmington, DE. We will be accepting live donations on:

 Thursday, November 21st
or Thursday, December 12th
10 AM - 4 PM

3 //  Send your donations via mail to Red Brick Partners, Attn: Amanda Hoffmeyer, at 302 Taft Avenue, Wilmington, DE 19805, by December 18th.

Our team will collect all of your contributions and make an in-person donation to both organizations on Friday, December 20th.

Red Brick Partners will match the monetary value of all donations received up to $1,000 per organization. Please share a copy of your receipt with your donation.

Thank you in advance for participating! Please contact me directly with any questions or feedback. Happy holidays!


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