Build a brand one step at a time

Why you want to Be Pig #3

We all know the story of the three little pigs. Three little pigs went off into the world to try to make it for themselves. Pig #1 decided that building a house out of straw was a good idea - we all know how that one ended up. Pig #2 thought that sticks would be durable enough to keep the pesky wolf out, alas he met an unfortunate end too. Pig #3 had the right idea, he built out of bricks and created a structure that couldn’t be easily blown over by that big bad wolf.

Red Brick Partners® helps you build a solid foundation for your brand, tell compelling stories, and build your brand through thoughtful tactics.


Like Pig #3, Red Brick supports you in building the foundation you need to succeed long-term. If you can’t track success of marketing initiatives, or you don’t have concrete goals, then any effort spent on marketing is probably wasted. If you can’t tell that it’s working why do it? Would you mow your lawn blindfolded and hope that the grass is getting progressively shorter? Then why would we throw campaigns into the market and hope they are working with no proof. Red Brick helps you get back to the basics, why are we doing this? What are we selling? How do we know it’s working? We know CRM’s, marketing automation, and infrastructure aren’t the flashiest things to talk about - but we really like talking about them since they are the building blocks for success.


We just told you a story about the three little pigs and why you want to be Pig #3. From that short story do you understand better what Red Brick is about? Who tells you stories? If you think about that for a moment you might think of a parent, your child, a friend, a co-worker. What do they all have in common? Generally it’s only people that you like, or people that like you, that tell you stories. Red Brick will uncover what your story is and help you tell it better. Memorable stories are the key to successful brands.


Red Brick combines the solid foundation, with your story, and layers in creative metric-driven marketing tactics to support your brand with achieving it’s goals. Build a solid brand with Red Brick Partners.