Remove Friction from Scheduling Sales Meetings with Self-Serve Booking Links

Whether you are in sales or marketing, we all share one common goal–we want more sales meetings. This blog reviews how self-serve meeting booking links can increase the number of sales meetings your team books while saving your team time and improving data visibility of meeting outcomes across the organization.

Whether you are in sales or marketing, we all share one common goal–we want more sales meetings. Many brands are switching to self-serve meeting booking links to allow prospects to schedule their sales calls at their convenience. You know, in these types of situations:

A prospect is browsing your website on the weekend and decides they want to schedule time. Let them book time directly on their calendar instead of following up with a call on Monday to try to get ahold of them.

  • A prospect is super busy, and coordinating a meeting time is challenging. Skip the back and forth–let them find their own time on your calendar!

  • You’re trying to coordinate multiple people from a sales meeting. Instead of emailing a large group of people to find time, leverage scheduling tools to identify time slots that work for everyone. 

  • In today’s fast-paced world, time-saving, user-friendly tools for scheduling meetings are essential. This blog will review several self-serve meeting booking tools to streamline your scheduling process.

Why Self- Serve? 

Self-serve meeting booking tools offer numerous advantages

Speed: They eliminate the back-and-forth of emails and calls, significantly reducing the time from interest to booking.

Integration: These tools often integrate with platforms like Teams, Zoom, and your CRM, making the meeting scheduling process both automated and visible across multiple platforms.

Convenience: Potential clients can schedule meetings at their convenience, even outside of business hours, ensuring you don’t miss out on opportunities.

The biggest reason to use self-serve booking links is that in today’s digital age, self-serve booking is often expected. That’s right, what was once a “nice to have” is now the expectation of the savvy prospect.

Sophisticated marketing organizations use the data from these booking links to provide value data on meeting outcomes and conversion rates at each stage of the funnel, and can help determine the number of meetings needed to achieve sales goals.

Next, let’s review a few features that you’ll want to know about before exploring the platform that is right for you.

Scheduling Tool Features

Round Robin Meeting Assignment
Implementing a round-robin scheduling system can improve your daily schedule by evenly distributing meeting opportunities among your team, ensuring balanced workloads and faster response times.

  • Lead Routing
    Make sure the tool aligns with how you assign and route leads. For example, you may assign leads to reps based on geography, or company type, or size.

  • Automated Follow Up
    Many scheduling tools include automation options to send reminder emails, and post meeting follow up emails.

  • Integrations
    Before you decide on a meeting booking tool, make sure you investigate integrations. You’ll want to make sure the platform integrates with your CRM, marketing automation system and virtual meeting platform. Most importantly, make sure your solution integrates with whatever tool your team uses for their calendars. This integration ensures that prospects are not able to book time when salespeople are busy.

  • Booking Times
    Scheduling tools commonly include features that allow you identify what times you are, and are not, available to be booked. For example, if you block out Mondays for your office day, you can mark those days as unavailable. You can also create standard meeting times such as 30-minute or 60-minute time slots to allow prospects to select the amount of time that they need.

  • Scheduling Polls
    Scheduling polls enable you to send multiple potential meeting times to large groups of people to identify a common time that works for everyone to meet.

  • Reporting
    During implementation, decide if you’ll be leveraging reports from your scheduling tool or via one of your integrated tools like your CRM.


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Popular Tools

Calendly is probably the most well-known booking tool. Users can easily schedule meetings by sharing their availability via a unique link. Calendly integrates seamlessly with calendars like Google Calendar and Outlook. It can be used for ongoing meeting bookings or for one-time events.

Ideal for large groups, Doodle enables users to poll participants to find the most suitable meeting time for everyone. This is particularly useful for organizing meetings with multiple stakeholders. Doodle also has functionality for 1:1 meeting bookings and integrates with industry-standard marketing tools.

Chili Piper
Chili Piper is an all-in-one platform designed for sales teams that qualifies, routes, and schedules meetings for inbound and outbound channels. It is ideal for companies that sell software or have a finely tuned lead processing system.

HubSpot’s Meeting Scheduler
If you’re already a HubSpot user…amazing news! As part of the HubSpot Sales suite, there is a meeting scheduler that you already have access to. This tool is a standard part of your HubSpot CRM, allowing for seamless meeting scheduling and data tracking. It ensures that all your meeting information is logged within your CRM for better tracking and follow-up.

How to Use the HubSpot Meetings Tool

Setting up a booking link on the HubSpot Meeting Scheduler is easy:

  1. Navigate to “Library” and select “Meeting Scheduler”

2. Choose a scheduling page type

3. Setup the general settings

4. Customize your meeting link and availability

5. Add pre and post-meeting email automation

6. Integrate your calendar to ensure real-time availability

7. Share your meeting link in emails, on your website, or through social media to make it easy for others to book time with you.

Where to Include These Links

To maximize the effectiveness of your self-serve booking links, include them in these key locations:

  • Email Signatures
    Make it easy for recipients to book time with you directly from your email.

  • Email Nurturing Sequences
    Offer meeting links in follow-up emails to leads.

  • Demo or Meeting Requests
    Use these links instead of traditional forms to streamline the booking process.

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