Red Brick Partners

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Marketing AutoMEOWtion Terms (As Described by a Cat)

As marketers, it can be difficult to keep up with the dozens of new terms and acronyms we are introduced to on a daily basis. In this eBook, we'll share definitions of common marketing automation terms in a format that you'll identify with. No stuffy definitions here, no fancy lingo, just straight-talk--you know, the way a cat would explain it.

Download the free eBook now to discover new concepts and common phrases that you can reference at anytime during your digital marketing career!

Looking to up your veterinary marketing game? 

Red Brick Partners, a veterinary marketing agency with over 14 years of B2B and B2C veterinary marketing experience can help. Whether you are searching for ways to generate leads, automate sales and marketing processes, or boost awareness, we’ve got you! Discover how we help our clients.