3 Quick Tips for Repurposing Content

Life in the digital age is fast paced. Audiences are always hungry for new information, but for many marketing teams, there simply are not enough hours in the day meet the demand. This is where creating a repurposed content strategy comes in handy.

Repurposing content allows you to make the most of your hard work by transforming content you’ve already created into new material that can increase its reach. Finding new ways to recycle existing content also leads organic traffic back to your website and saves your team a lot of effort that can be refocused into adding more high value material to your portfolio.

What is Evergreen Content and How Can it Help? 

Identifying your evergreen content is one of the first steps to building your repurposed content strategy. Evergreen content is search optimized content that is always “fresh” and interesting to your audience. This kind of content is beneficial because it will maintain its relevancy regardless of how much time has passed. A glossary of commonly used terms, case studies using real-world examples, “how-to” pieces, and tutorials are all great examples of continually relevant content that could fall into this category. This is not to be confused with “trending” content which is also highly relevant but very time-dependent.

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How Can I Repurpose Content?

1.    Reformat

Reformatting your content involves repackaging the material so that it appears fresh to your target audience. A simple way to do this is to take the original piece of content and transform it into a completely new format. For instance, you could take a piece of high performing content such as a webinar or a case study and convert it into an infographic for social media. You could even take it a step further and create short, informational videos based off of the same information.  

2.    Group Similar Content

Compiling all of your similar material into one educational resource is another way to get more value from your content. You can start by identifying and grouping synergistic content, such as blog posts or webinars with similar topics, and then combine them to create useful resources like eBooks, eCourses and resource centers that potential customers can reference on your website.

3.    Reshare

We spend countless hours making sure that our content is up to par - it’s only right that we promote it! Resharing your work is a quick, simple method you can use to repurpose content. Remember, we typically get tired of seeing our content long before our audience does.

Resharing gives you the opportunity to target new and old audiences alike while maximizing your visibility on multiple channels and driving traffic back to your site. Examples of highly recyclable content are “tips and tricks” that address common issues, data driven content such as case studies, as well as customer reviews and testimonials.

Still Need Help with Your Content Strategy?

If you want to reformat, reuse and recycle your existing content but don’t have the time or resources, we can help! Whether you need to craft a content strategy from the ground up or build long-lasting evergreen material that will keep the leads flowing, Red Brick Partners will work with you to accomplish your goals.

Schedule your free consultation now and find out what Red Brick Partners can do for you.


1. “What Is Evergreen Content? A Guide to Long-Lasting Content That Boosts SEO.” What Is Evergreen Content & Why Does It Matter for SEO?, 3 Mar. 2021, www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2012/10/16/guide-to-evergreen-content-marketing

2. “The Only Guide to Repurposing Content You Will Need in 2021.” Semrush Blog, 22 Dec. 2020, www.semrush.com/blog/guide-to-repurposing-content-in-2020/

3. “35 Brilliant Ways to Easily Repurpose Content and Boost Traffic.” OptinMonster, 30 Apr. 2020, www.optinmonster.com/40-ways-to-repurpose-blog-content/


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