Red Brick Takes Home a Silver Vetty

🏆 We're Excited to Announce We Won A Silver Vetty!

We are very excited to announce that we won a Silver Vetty for our 2023 Planning Survival Kit in the category of Agency Self Promotion. the spirit of...ya know, agency self promotion, we wanted to share!

Red Brick Wins

About The 2023 Planning Survival Kit

We designed this survival kit box as an account based marketing campaign to help our fellow industry marketers get pumped up and prepared for the new year:

Thanks to the NAVC for this great honor! 

Want to Make Your Own Direct Mail Kit?

We can help you develop your own Account-Based Marketing (ABM) direct mail kit. Reach out to us to start the conversation! Yes, yes, we know. We're a Digital Marketing Agency promoting our ability to create printed direct mail materials, but digital played a role in this campaign. Reach out to learn more!


VMX 2023 Expo Review


What is Cost Per Lead (CPL)?