Red Brick Partners

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Back to Basics

Working on a marketing campaign? Get back to the basics to chart a path to success.

“Tim, we need a campaign to sell 10 more widgets this month - we are counting on you, get on it right away!” Okay Tim, it’s go time. Do we slap a sale banner on an image of our product and throw it on the website, social media, in a bunch of emails and anywhere else we can immediately and hope for the best? You could but that’s probably not the best way to impress your boss.

Let’s start with a simple question - what is Tim selling? Is he selling a “widget”, or is it something much more? Perhaps the widget that Tim is selling saves the veterinary clinic time by allowing them to more efficiently track inventory within the clinic. So is Tim selling software, or is Tim selling time savings and clinic staff satisfaction?

If Tim wants to influence behavior he should focus on the ultimate value to his customer, in this case time savings. Maybe it’s flea and tick season and clinics in key parts of the country, perhaps they are currently overwhelmed by demand for their flea and tick products & services. A few components of this campaign for Tim to consider:

  • Target: Geotarget those in high flea & tick volume regions.

  • Goal: Set up a clear, measurable goal for the campaign, i.e. sell 10 new software packages.

  • Tracking: Set up tracking to ensure we can measure progress to Tim’s goal.

  • Message: Highlight how his software is a live saver during flea & tick time.

  • Proof: Show a visual case representation of how the software saved a clinic time during flea & tick season and allowed them to make more money because they never ran out of product due to the platform’s superior inventory tracking capability.

  • Call to Action: One simple, compelling action that will stimulate conversions.

Whether we are approaching a quarterly campaign or a 24-month initiative we need to start from the building blocks at the foundation and build up.

Looking to up your veterinary marketing game? 

Red Brick Partners, a veterinary marketing agency with over 14 years of B2B and B2C veterinary marketing experience can help. Whether you are searching for ways to generate leads, automate sales and marketing processes, or boost awareness, we’ve got you! Discover how we help our clients.