Building a Solid
Foundation for your
Your Brand


Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you! My name is Amanda Hoffmeyer, the founder of Red Brick Partners. I’ve been working as a marketer in the veterinary industry for over 15 years. Over that decade, I’ve fallen in love with the veterinary industry. Anyone who has worked in this space knows what I’m talking about. Veterinarians are good people, businesses in the veterinary industry are full of good people, and everyone is working tirelessly with a singular focus - to make animals better. Most of us fortunate enough to stumble upon this industry never want to return to working in any other space. That’s where the story of Red Brick Partners starts…

cat at doorstep of red brick partners marketing

Where it all started
…with a resolute passion for animals

Meet Felix, where our story begins


“Scrappy results are one of the cornerstones of Red Brick. Sure we can do big things with big dollars, but where we really shine is helping our partners get big results with scrappy approaches.”

- Amanda Hoffmeyer, CEO, Red Brick Partners



Felix showed up at my back door on July 15, 2018. He came to the right place (notice the cat statue he’s standing next to). Felix, the half-tailed cat, was lucky to happen upon what others would call a real-life “cat lady”. He stared longingly through the door at the 4 pampered felines living inside. He was in pain from his missing tail, itching from his fleas, uncomfortable with worms in his digestive system, and worst of all - longing for attention. He needed surgery, and as we quickly found out, he was FIV positive. The emergency clinic near my house in Wilmington, Delaware, took great care of him. When we went in for his evaluation, he was jumping all over the technician, begging for pets (and, of course, bleeding all over her). Naturally, she loved it - because, again - people in veterinary medicine are really incredibly good people. With more money than I am willing to admit later (which was all totally worth it, by the way) and a bunch of home care, Felix was ready to find a home. But…how? Social media, of course! I thought I am a marketer - surely I can get a cat adopted with a social media campaign. And I was right…I could. He found his forever home with a local business owner in Delaware. His new Dad went on to be featured in People Magazine- so I kind of got him a famous Dad…just sayin, not bad for a half-tailed FIV cat. Felix was the small spark that was a catalyst for something that would become much bigger - Red Brick Partners.


My thoughts were preoccupied with how rewarding it was to build a campaign to support my sweet boy Felix and my passion for the work I was currently doing in the veterinary industry. I couldn’t stop thinking about starting a business. I didn’t just “get a cat adopted”; I helped someone get a friend. A scrappy little social media campaign established a friendship. That’s pretty powerful. Scrappy results are one of the cornerstones of Red Brick. Sure, we can do big things with big dollars, but where we really shine is helping our partners get big results with scrappy approaches.

I started to work with a few other brands to see if I could support brands on a larger scale to match up quality products with people in need to bring mutual value to both the brand and the pet owner. It was fun, the brands were happy, the people buying the products were happy, and the potential of what Red Brick Partners could become became obvious.


In early 2019, I decided to take the jump and go all in on Red Brick Partners. Our goal at Red Brick is to provide a solid foundation for your brand, you know, the glamorous things that everyone likes to talk about, like CRMs, marketing automation, data tracking, and analytics. Upon that solid foundation, we build compelling and memorable stories to help people connect with the value and personality of your brand (what are you really selling? Not a half-tailed FIV cat…a friend!). We then layer in tactics, persuasive copy, stand-out creative, and well-designed campaigns to support your brand in achieving your goals. Deployment of successful campaigns requires persistence, data analysis, tweaking, re-deployment, and more tracking; you get the idea. Red Brick is the extension of your marketing department that works seamlessly with your internal resources to give you the solid foundation you need to build for the future through hard work and persistence.

In 2021, we welcomed 4 teammates to team Red Brick, and as a strong, established, and scrappy team of 5, we’re going strong and excited to meet you and learn how we can support your brand on the path to growth. 
