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October 2022: Email Inspiration

We’ve got 5 more inspirational emails coming your way. Are all of these super fun and visually exciting? No. But there’s amazing lessons to be learned from each of them.

Now, let’s dive into the best emails we’ve seen since…well…since last month (you know the deal!).

Email 1: 😬 Sometimes Stuff Goes Sideways…

Why we like it: Their event got canceled. Bummer. They didn’t want to make excuses or sugarcoat it. So, they just…told it like it was.

✅ Enticing subject line
✅ Transparency
✅ True to their brand tone
✅ I read this myself, and it was forwarded to me by several team members

Email 2: Yes, We’re Phillies Fans…Deal with it!

Why we like it: In case you haven’t been following along Philly sports teams have been killing it in October. Wawa decided to capitalize on the buzz with this email and we don’t like it…we LOVE IT!

✅ The subject line was: Take us out to SchwarberFest ⚾ 🎉
✅ Leveraging timely events
✅ Giving the right message to the right audience at the right time

Email 3: Feedback Matters

Why we like it: We know the Wawa email is a hard act to follow but we liked this one from fever because as marketers we often miss opportunities to ask for feedback.

✅ Easy to engage with, very click-able
✅ Like the personalization of including a picture of the event for recall
✅ Daniel from Fever as the ‘from’ makes this feel more personal but isn’t deceptive about who it came from

Email 4: Fun Quiz for the Win

Why we like it: We’re a big fan of using quizzes and surveys for both engagement and lead generation. This one combined the best of both worlds. What’s even better? This is an email from Typeform, so they’re using their own tech to deliver the experience.

✅ Amazing fun factor
✅ Typeform wove their product into the messaging very well
✅ Fabulous use of pets

Email 5: Good Use of Remarketing

Why we like it: You knew I’d love it? Of course you did! I went to look at this product and shared a link of it with a friend because I wouldn’t dream of making a sauce without it. I didn’t buy it because I was just passing the link along to a friend, but they did a great job of reminding me I might want to go back and have a second look. The email also pulled in other items that I might like and…boy were they right.

✅ Great subject line
✅ Very visual and simple CTA to get me to just one thing—go back and buy!
✅ Did I go back and buy something? Why yes, yes I did.

Join us next month for more email inspiration!