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Got Leads? Part 2: Where to Find Leads

In part 1 of our lead generation series we unpacked what the lead generation funnel looks like. Now that we understand the funnel, how do we get started hunting out these elusive leads? You may have some leads in your database that you can activate, you may be new to the market and need to start your search from scratch. Either way we’ve got some tips for you!

Activating Your Database

If you’re lucky enough to have a database of top of funnel leads to work with your lead activation job is a little easier. The first step is to determine the best way to segment your database. Common segmentation datapoints are job titles, behaviors (things they’re interested in), geography, or types of business.

The purpose of the data segmentation is so that you can narrowly address a part of your audience. If you start talking about clinical applications of some fancy new supplement to a bunch of business people your message probably isn’t going to land. So…no leads. Bummer.

After you’ve decided who you’re talking to you need to determine what is important to them and create value-adding content to activate them. This can often be done by offering education, or value-adding resources. Nurturing sequences often have a combination of gated and ungated content. Use content like blogs to generate interest in the beginning of your sequence and then feather in high-value content such as webinars and ebooks. Place the high-value content behind a form and…ta da! MQLs and SQLs!

You can use lead magnet content (webinars, ebooks, case studies, etc) to generate MQLs and SQLs at the same time. How? Just add an optional question to your form “do you want information about this product or a demo?” You’ll be surprised how many people say yes…that’s right…it’s that simple.

Hunting for New Leads

So you don’t have a database—or maybe you do, but you also need to grow your funnel. No problem. Follow this step-by-step process to get started:

  1. Identify your audience. Noticing a theme? Yes. This is always where we start. Who are we talking to?

    • What does your audience care about?

    • Where do they hang out? LinkedIn? Facebook? Email? SMS?

    • What is their role in the decision making/ buying process?

  2. Create value. Now that we know who we are talking to we need to create that value-adding lead magnet content that we can use to convert visitors to leads. This doesn’t always mean you need to create new content. You can use evergreen content to activate new leads, and you can often use the same content from your database nurturing sequences to drive new leads too.

  3. Meet them where they are. It’s not their job to come to you, you’ve got to meet them where they are and seamlessly fit into their day with your value-adding goodies.

    • Trade publications and media partners are a great way to distribute your lead generation content. Make sure you track each media partner separately so you can tell what is and isn’t’ working.

    • Social media is a great top of funnel lead generation channel. Use newsletter opt ins and very soft educational CTAs + Facebook/ Instagram native lead gen forms to build your top of funnel.

    • Create cross-promotion relationships with synergistic companies.

    • Engage with key opinion leaders and influencers in the space to cross promote and share your lead generation content.

    • Activate your entire team to share lead magnets on their social profiles.

    • Provide your sales team with tools to spread the word.

Stay tuned, up next we’ll be talking about the nitty gritty details of how to get leads once we’ve met them at their local hangout. Happy hunting!